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This was another gift from Dave. His reason for spending what is the equivalent of a quarter of his week's wages on Real Techniques brushes for me (he also bought me two sets but they're being reviewed later in the week)?

'I'm sick of seeing little black hairs on your face that I have to pick off.'

Um, gee, thanks baby.

In all seriousness my previous brushes were a collective of sets from Amazon. We're talking sets of 36 brushes for £10. I was under no illusion that they were going to be bad quality but they would shed bristles and hair to the point where I looked like the bearded lady. I have also been acting like a school girl with a crush every time I have seen these sets in Boots. Dave has had to pull me away from the Real Techniques section several times before now, each time having to endure me telling him that everyone has these brushes, that they're the best, that I would be able to do my make-up so much better with them blah blah blah.

This is the Real Techniques Stippling Brush that was the most coveted of all the brushes I wanted from the collection. I have issues making my base products look picture perfect. It always end up looking like a Van Gogh painting and then I have to rub at any obvious brush strokes with my hands, essentially taking off the foundation that I was attempting to put on.

This brush is a revelation.

It is unbelievably soft on my skin (I've taken to randomly stroking my face with it even though I am a) not wearing make-up or b) already have make-up on but want to keep brushing my face anyway... Am I slightly weird for doing this?) and gives such a beautiful flawless finish, regardless of the product used, that I don't think I can live without it now. It makes my skin look perfect and that, for me, is the holy grail of a make-up brush and foundation combination.

I love Real Techniques so much I have thrown out all of my old brushes.

Ta-Raa brushes and thank you for your services over the past couple of years. There are some new tools in my bedroom now and they won't be sharing with anyone.

The Real Techniques Stippling Brush (RRP: £11.99) and other  brushes are available from Boots in the UK and on the Real Techniques website.

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