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I visited the BEING HUMAN house!

I actually did this last year, and it's been almost a whole year since I went but, I never told you about it and really, really wanted to. 
I've also just come upon the pictures in my iPhoto library! 

Last February I went for a Uni interview in Bristol, my Dad and I drove down early in the morning and I went to the interview. Afterwards as we were already there, I thought why not head over to the Being Human house? I've never been to Bristol before, so neither of us had any idea where we were going. 

We did actually pass the Funeral parlour that is home to the Vampires throughout a lot of the series', but I didn't manage to get a picture. 

Eventually, after bypassing some police etc. etc. we managed to get to the house. 
Unfortunately, it was being damn-ass renovated! Bloody typical right? However, I am really glad I got to see it before it was painted, as it literally looked EXACTLY THE SAME as it did in Being Human! 

Yes, I was going bananas in the car. 
Yes, there is a door there. In the TV show there is no door...why do they need two front doors? These are the things that haunt me. 
This is the front door, the one we see on the show all the damn time. I think my Dad went a little deaf after I yelled "Aidan Turner sat THERE!" at him...
Also went to the New Found Out, the pub in which Annie gets her job. If you've never seen Being Human, go watch it. Also, Annie's a ghost. 
At one point, Herrick calls a meeting of all the vampires in a church...no idea if it was this actual church, but it looks similar and well, church-y? The scene was dark, they ARE vampires... 
"There's a vampire in there" - direct quote from me. 

So that was my exciting trip. I know that to some people looking at a house wouldn't be a big deal, but unlike a lot of girls my age, I grew up watching Being Human. It would explain why I'm a little odd, and have a strong weird feeling around police and in hospitals. YOU NEVER KNOW. 
I realise that nowadays vampires, werewolves etc. are seen as glamorous although they 'try not to be', they really do, really. Yes, I am rolling my eyes here. Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, even TrueBlood create this glamour around the supernatural. Which is why Being Human is, and always will be my favourite supernatural TV show, they are normal, there's nothing glamorous or out of the ordinary about any of their appearances. It takes away the glamour and creates something raw and out of the ordinary, it makes the characters actually believable. 

So, that's my first post of 2015, a reflection on one of my favourite times during 2014! 
What was your favourite thing last year? 

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