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Rimmel London Metal Rush Collection - Royal Blue

Hi guys :)
I have just discovered Rimmel's 'Metal Rush' collection of polishes at Priceline and Target today. I have also seen this collection at Terry White Chemists (a few weeks ago now). This is a collection of duochromes and is quite a unique collection in Australian stores at the moment. I was really excited to find these and think they're great!

 As soon as I got home from the shops with these in my greedy hands I rushed outside and applied 'Royal Blue'. It was a lovely sunny days so you should consider yourself lucky to get these photos because literally 20 minutes later it was overcast, grey and raining dogs and cats :/ Well I guess I was complaining about the extreme heat wave so I'm not going to complain now! It's nice feeling a little cool for a change :)

Here are my first impressions of this collection, more reviews of 'Gold Save the Queen' and 'Purple Reign' are in your near future.

Review of 'Royal Blue' from the Metal Rush collection Rimmel London

Packaging and Brush

Each bottle is 8ml and retails for $7.95 however at the moment Priceline has a buy 3 get 1 free deal.
The brush is wide and is easy to use. The handle I feel is a tad shorter than usual but it's nothing to worry about.

Formula and application 

Being a duochrome 'Royal Blue' is leaning towards a sheer polish. I used three thin-ish coats but you might be able to get away with two. I've only applied this polish once since I only brought it today but overall I would say the formula and application are pleasing. Drying time isn't super quick because you do need a few coats.

Colour and effect

This polish has a strong duochrome effect and the dominant colours in 'Royal Blue' are blu-ish grey, teal and purple. I know I didn't capture it perfectly in my photos but the duochrome effect is really strong in this polish :) yay!!!

Overall impression
Overall I am really glad these babies came home with me today and I think that 'Royal Blue' is a seriously stunning duochrome - the duochrome effect is strong and easy to see. Application was super easy (no clean-up required) and the formula was good.

You are probably aware that google friend connect and google reader will no longer work in a couple of months. This is quite annoying but oh well, what can we do? I haven't quite decided what other platforms I will be using but I have made a bloglovin' account and would really appreciate it if you followed me via bloglovin' if you enjoy my blog. Ofcourse you don't have to follow me, I don't want you to think I'm a bully or anything!!! :p Are there any other sites you would like to me to join? Feel free to let me know what you think and if you want me to follow your blog please leave your link below. 

Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend :)

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