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Working out with a personal trainer – my thoughts and experience.

Are you guys tired of hearing of my wedding countdown? If you are not – then my big day is only: 2 months & 7 days away! I have tried many different outlets to get in shape and I have to say – most of them have worked! I have tried to eat as healthy as possible, completely cut back on the junk/sweets, worked out at least 2 times a week and have been drinking a lot of water. But still – I have a nice big lump of stubborn fat sitting on my belly and I just can’t have that for my big day! So I finally signed up for personal training.

For those of you who have never had a personal trainer – it’s a huge change in your workouts. If you thought you worked out hard on your own… your personal trainer will give you a wakeup call VERY quickly! I am sore in places where I didn’t even KNOW muscles existed. Instead of writing a super long story – I thought I would just bullet point to the most important points you all must be interested in.

Expensive: Personal trainers are frecking expensive!! In the NY/NJ area – sessions can start from $50(and that’s really low balling) to $100+ an hour! I pay $65 an hour and meet with my trainer 2-3x a week. This is all that my body and wallet can handle right now.

Extremely tough: Depending on what you are looking to achieve, your personal trainer will definitely push you to your limits and you will be super sore before/during/after your session. I sometimes feel like I am going to puke or pass out during my hour of insane workouts but also feel so much stronger. I once told my trainer “I am going to throw up” and his response was simply “OK. You can throw up after this push up” Say wahhhhh?!

Instant Results: Like I said before, your trainer will push you to your limits and with that kind of pressure you will 100% see results. That being said, you also need to put your best foot forward outside the gym and work out on your own and eat well. All these things will give you the best you in no time!

Motivated: I usually work out after work – my gym is about 40-60 minutes away from work, so you can only imagine my motivation level by that time. Having a personal trainer forces you to go to the gym even when you have no motivation because your mind knows it’s a commitment. Another huge motivation? The immediate results!

Worth it?: If you have some extra cash and want to get in shape, I definitely think a personal trainer is the way to go. It takes a very unique individual to be as disciplined without a trainer. I am not sure if I will be going to the trainer 3x a week after the wedding but I do think I will keep seeing a trainer once a week to keep myself in check.

Hope this helps and answers some of your questions!!

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