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Nude Skincare Facial Cleansing Oil

For the past few weeks, I have trying a facial cleansing oil instead of my usual milky cleanser for my winter dry skin. For a decent amount of time now, I have been curious about using oil to clean my face instead of a traditional cleanser. However, I must say that I often put off buying one of these products since they are on the more expensive side and all the bottles are huge. I had also read that the bottles take forever to use up and I was afraid that I would be stuck putting out the cash for a product that I wouldn't like and I would be using it for the entire next year. I really lucked out on this product though. I was given this product as a choice at Sephora for my deluxe Beauty Insider sample. The sample is very nice sized and I need very little of it to clean my whole face.

The oil that I am referring to is the Facial Cleansing Oil from the British brand Nude Skincare. This line overall gets the Sephora seal for Natural products and their line is very much plant based in origin. This product is considered by Sephora to be "an antioxidant-rich facial cleanser". Here is the more detailed description on the Sephora website, "Nude Cleansing Facial Oil is a luxuriously pure and effective detergent-free oil face wash for normal to dry complexions. It allows you to remove makeup and cleanse without stripping skin of needed moisture."

The instructions on the side of the bottle stated that that two pumps of this product should be dispensed and then the user should warm the oil up in their wet hands until a milky lather is created. I did all the above and my first comment is that describing the result as a milky lather is a bit of a stretch, all I got was a somewhat more milky version of the oil. Also, this product has a very unique scent to it that I had to get around. Looking closer at the Sephora website, it states that Soybean Oil is one of the first active ingredients and I bet that that is responsible for the smell. It is a natural fragrance so it fades away as soon as I was the product off of my face. I can live with the fragrance, it's not all that strong and pretty easy to ignore. This product also contains Omega 3 and Vitamin E to cleanse without stripping any moisture out of the skin.

The product does a great job of getting all the makeup off of my face, I do use a separate eye makeup remover so I haven't tested it out in this respect. The product is easy to rinse and doesn't leave an oily residue like I feared that it might. It hasn't dried my skin out yet and I think that I am beginning to prefer it in the colder months to other cleansers that I have been using. Also, I have not broken out once during the whole use of this product.

I think that this is the best Beauty Insider sample that I have gotten yet from Sephora. It is huge and has been lasting me a really long time. At the beginning of next Fall, I will go up to Sephora to get this product in this full size so I can use all during the colder weather. I need to take some more time and learn about the rest of the Nude Skincare line and see what other products they carry that are as good as this one.

photo courtesy of Sephora

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