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Last episode of Taboo on #Okto - Crime Scene Cleaner + Miners + Corpse Research Sudent

Today shows the last episode of Taboo. It's my all time favourite documentary. Next time thursday nothing much to watch already.

Today's plot was about jobs. Jobs that not many people would love to do. Jobs that deals with Taboo topics like death.

1. Crime Scene Cleaner

When there's a crime scene and dead bodies are involved, do you ever think of who will be the ones cleaning up the place after that? The police? The family members? No, there is actually companies set up to deal with the cleaning of crime scenes by people called the Crime Scene Cleaners in the USA. One of the toughest job encountered was to clean up the aftermath of a man committing suicide by jumping onto the train railway track. They have to ensure that every body pieces, body fluid and even strand of clothes and hair were clean up since body parts and body fluids contains viruses. Beside having to exposed themselves from all these viruses, there are stress from the job as well. Some people just can't detach themselves of what they are doing. Probably thinking of how the person died, why the person commit suicide.

2. Sulphur Miner

Though obsolete in most countries for centuries, this job still exist at Indonesia East Java. In the past, this job is done by the horses, however, horses often falls on the rocky rock so men walking on foot is more stable in carrying. The miners would enter the volcano to extract sulphur. Breathing in Sulphur dioxide is life threatening and breathing felts like having asthma attack to some of them. Those poor miners have to stay there for about 5 hours and the only safety precautions the miners had is just a pair or rubber boots and a cloth that does little to filter the sulphur. In the West, government has banned this activity but with high level of unemployment in East Java, they felt blessed that they can get this job with high salary. The money they earned was 3 times the wages of a factory worker and 4 times that of a farm worker. The short term financial compromise with whatever health problems they had. Their wife was worries for them but at the same time proud. Only $6 per day and it is already considered alot. We earned so much (without having to compromise our health and carry heavy weights) and yet we complained money not enough? Why?

3. Research Student at Tennessee - The Body Farm

In the 3 acres field at the behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center lies about 180 bodies. DEAD BODIES! They are being scattered around with different degree of decomposition. When a human died our body auto breaks down from the stomach to the chest to the limbs and a week later the face and muscles were turned into a wax like substance. When the dead body was left under the sun, millions of flies would come within just half an hour and tens of thousands of maggots would be happily eating the tissues. Why do they do this? It's a research to study the process of decomposition and to aids the forensic department. Through this, they can learn more about the two aspect that can help to solve a crime and that is the time and circumstances of death. You might think nobody would like their body to be left in the woods without any proper burial but actually they are on a waiting list to be there. For the sake of science. They sacrifices to let the body rot in the wild.

In conclusion, we might not want the same jobs as them but we respect them for their courage to be able to handle these jobs.

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